Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time Out

This is Clarke's 1st time out. He had been hitting Hudsen all day. So I thought I would give Time Out a try, and he did pretty good. He stayed there the whole time until I told him to come out and say sorry and give Hudsen a hug and kiss. He looked so darn cute I had to take his picture. :)


Jillian said...

Ha Ha I have that problem with Dean! He will sit there but he just smiles and laughs and doesn't get the idea but what ever. It's cute :)

Jason & Claire said...

He is so stinkin' cute! I don't know how you had the determination to leave him there being that cute! You're tough!

Leora said...

Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! This picture and post made me laugh out loud!

He's awesome.

Gina woodhouse said...

He looks too cute to hurt a fly.
Carly and Kalei (and mom).

cory and laurel evans said...

He's so cute he couldn't have been in trouble for too long- that happens at our house too!

Http:// said...

Dad says,"He is too cute to have done anything wrong. Your judgemnet must have been a little off. He doesn't look like he could do anything mean." And, I love this picture! What a crack up! Looks like he was having a tough time!

fran said...

Why are kids so freakin cute. What a ham!

aubri said...

It was probably so hard to keep in in time out when he looks so freaking cute! I love that little guy!

Camille said...

He is so adorable!!!

Carly and Tyler said...

Hey Steph! I will totally make you one. It's $10 and then whatever for shipping it to you-not much I'd assume! They are so cute and Makena loves to wear hers around the house!
p.s. this picture is totally cute! My daughter thinks it's funny when she's in trouble too. it makes things a little difficult!

The Grimmett's said...

Don't you hate when they know you are mad at them so they act the cutest they have been all day, so then they melt your heart and you can't be mad anymore. I'm glad time out worked for him. I'm waiting for that day. He looks totally cute.

Beach Mommy said...

so did he stop hitting her? that's cute to have his first time out picture:)

Unknown said...

So is that look a happy to be there look or "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" look?

Karl & Leslie said...

He is a cute chunk:) I love him! I'm glad Daxon isn't the only one that does it:)Love you mana

Michelle said...

That is just so stinkin' cute!