Saturday, May 29, 2010

Clarke is 3!!!!

Our handsome 3 year old. So typical of Clarke to have his flip flops on the wrong feet. :)
Hudsen and Clarke
We went to CPK after Ryan's game to celebrate with a few good friends. Thanks guys!! It was so much fun!!
Diggin in

I can not believe another year has passed with our Clarke-E. It has been so much fun watching him grow. A little sad how fast time is going but still fun. He is not our little baby anymore. He still keeps us on our toes everyday but we wouldn't change it for anything we LOVE him to pieces!!! Happy Birthday Big Guy!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Clarke 3 year old interview

Favorite Movie- Spider man

Favorite show- Calliou

Favorite food- Corn dog

Favorite candy- Skittles

Favorite Dodger- Russel Martin

What he wants to be when he gets big- Rock Star

Favorite color- White

Going on Mission to- Stater Brothers

Best Pal- Colten, Noah, Daddy

Favorite song- I got a feeling

Favorite ride @ Disneyland- It's a Small World

His favorite thing about being 3 is- Blowing out the Candles


aubri said...

Clarke is seriously the BIGGEST STUD EVER!!! We love him sooo much! I can't believe he's 3! We talk about his 1st Birthday all the time. He is so cute. We miss you guys and can't wait to see you soon!

The Moore Family said...

We hope that he had a very Happy Birthday!!

Leora said...

I love where he is going on his mission! We love that little guy and miss him!

Mitch and Serretta Barlow said...

Those answers were seriously soooo cute! He will love reading those later! I can't believe how big he is already! I love Clarke! Happy late Birthday buddy! We love you!