Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday Allie!!!!

Allie's 4 year interview
Favorite food-  Chicken nuggets, tortillas, bread, eggs, sprite, chocolate milk
Favorite movie- Frozen, Big Hero 6
Favorite shows- Daniel Tiger, Calliou, Dora
Favorite candy- gummy bears, gum
Favorite color- pink
Where do you want to go on your Mission?  I don'y want to go to a mission.  I want to go to the park.
Best Friends- Nolan, Noa, Kendall, and Grandma.
Favorite things to do, Play puzzles
If you could go any where in the whole world where would you go?  ummmm, the park.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor, I want to be Doc McStuffins\
Who are you going to marry?  Nobody, I'm going to marry Dad
What does Daddy always tell you?  Go to sleep
What does Mommy always tell you?  ahhhh, Clean up
What does Hudsen always tell you?  Go to sleep
What does Clarke always tell you?  be nice

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