Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Our Ward Christmas Party

With Santa Clause Our Angel

This is at our CCII Ward Christmas Party. It was a lot of fun. Hudsen sang so pretty. She gets a little shy in front of a lot of People.

Random Pics

Clarke loves watching videos on Dads T pot (i-pod)
They love looking at these bears everytime we go to the mall.
Somebody got into Hudsens play make up.

The Birth of Baby Jesus

Cast Members- Joseph- Karson, Mary- Hudesn, Angel- Brynne, The 3 Wise Men- Devun, Dax, and Clarke.

We had such a wonderful Christmas dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Moore's. We played crazy fun games together, and the kids acted out the birth of Jesus while Karl read Luke:2. They were so cute and so so reverent and good. I was very impressed on how well and still our 3 Wise men were. :) They came out when they were supposed to and all sat so quietly. We all sang together a few Christmas Carols, then opened up a few gifts. It was a wonderful night filled with lots of wonderful memories.

Hudsen's 5 th Birthday

On Hudsen's actual Birthday, We took her to go see The Princess and the Frog. She Loved it!! It was really cute but a little scary I thought. Then she picked Chilis to go have lunch at. She loves the pizza there. Happy Birthday precious girl! We love you so much and we are so proud of you. Thank you for being in our lives. Your the Best!!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dear Santa...

We wrote letters to Santa a couple weeks ago. Hudsen did really well and wrote her very own letter (we helped her with the spelling), and Daddy helped Clarke with his.

Dear Santa,
I have been a really good girl. Swimming baby Ariel, Dress ups, Baseball Glove, Make up, Pet Fish, Robe, Charm Necklace, Flash light, baseball Helmet, clothes and Heel shoes.
Love Hudsen

Dear Santa,
I have been a good Boy! I would like a monster toy, a monster book, a baseball glove, a baseball, soldiers, a toy gun, boy dress ups, flash light and a Spider man wallet.
Love Clarke

** Today we went to visit Santa, They were so excited. Hudsen asked him for a flash light :) and Clarke asked for soldiers.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hudsen is 5!!

Happy 5th Birthday Hudsen!!!! We Love you so much!!!

Hudsen is so happy to be 5. She had been pretty anxious for a while. :) This year, at the last minute she decided she wanted a Princess and the Frog party. So we went up to Grandmas and had a fun small party there. We played hot potato, musical chairs, this crazy pop the balloon game that I don't recommend :) , Limbo, and pin the frogs lips on the Princess lips. The kids had fun. Then we sang Happy Birthday to Hudsen, had cupcakes, and watched her open presents. (I only took a few pictures with my camera, I'll put more up once I get a cd from my sister who was the picture taker.)

Hudsen's 5 year Interview-

Favorite Food- Cereal, Rice Krispie Treats

Favorite Movie- The Grinch & Elf

Favorite Song- I Like to make up my own songs

Favorite Color- All of them except Black, Brown and Gray

Favorite thing to do- Fight (wrestle with Daddy and Clarke)

Best Friends- Paisli, Elle, Avery all of the girls

Favorite Sport- Soccer

Talent- Dancing, Painting

Going on mission?- Yes, where Daddy went, Brazil

Getting married, Where, To who?- Yes, the Temple, I don't know yet

Favorite thing about being 5- Being tall


THANKSGIVING- Was so much fun visiting and playing with family and friends. This year we were at my parents house and a bunch of my moms side of the family came which is always really fun. We ate a delicious meal, rode quads and played a bunch of crazy games.

Holding Baby Carly for the first time. :)
Crazy Boy. He put 5 Band aids on one leg and 1 on his nipple. He kept showing grandma his band aids and telling her his nipple hurt.
BABY NAVI- At Navi's blessing. She is so precious
Little Brynne, Oh I love this cute girl
Tia Leslie & My Mom
Clarke and Hudsen meeting Navi for the first time.

Monday, December 7, 2009

6 Flags

At Magic Mountain. The kids had so much fun with their friends there.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Funny Kids

* This happened during the world series. Clarke and Daddy were sitting on the couch watching and Clarke looks over at Dad and says, "Hey Daddy, Phillies or Yankees?"

* Ryan- "Clarke why did you pee on your sister?" Clarke- "Because, I wanted to spray her."

* Clarke had broken another pair of Ryan's head phones. Ryan- "Clarke you don't break any of Daddy's things, any of Mommy's things or any of Hudsen's things. It's not nice." Clarke- "Can I break my things?"

* Clarke has had a little trouble sleeping lately, he keeps saying he is scared. Last night he came out saying, "There's a butt in my room." So I went in to check out this butt he was talking about. When I went back in, he pointed out a shadow on the wall that came from their laundry basket. He said. "See the butt shape mom?" I had to laugh it was so funny. It even had a crack. :) I tried taking a picture of this butt, but it didn't turn out.

* Hudsen and Clarke were playing really cute together. Clarke was on our bed and Hudsen was tickling him, and they were both laughing. Ryan and I looked at them and smiled. Hudsen- "We are trying to play nice so Santa can come."

* Hudsen was in charge of Family Home Evening this week. She had us paint our hands and we made a big family turkey out of it. It was really cute. I told her of an idea I had to make them even cuter and she said, "That's a really good idea Mom, but I'm in charge."

Lots & Lots of Catching up

***WARNING*** lots of pictures Watching the Pine wood derby

Silly faces

Hudsen is our little clothes designer. A lot of the stuff she comes up with is sometimes really cute. This is something she put together out of my old Halloween inmate costume.

At the L.A. Temple, then off to Juniors

Hudsen and Vanessa

Sophia's 1st Birthday

Playing in the baby dolls pack n play

Eating yummy cookies at Grandmas

Looking at baby pictures. - Clarke was upset with me when ever he saw a picture of himself crying and would say, "Mommy, why didn't you pick me up?"

Blowing Bubbles

At Jake's (#42) Football game. These kids are so little and sooooo good.